Daddy's longtime friends Joe and Angelo came by today, along with Angelo's girlfriend Aimee. A delicious lunch of north end pizza was brought by our wonderful guests and daddy fixed up a mean salad and bowl of berries to top it off. Both girls were initially too excited to nap at the thought of meeting Joe and seeing Angelo and Aimee, but exhaustion soon prevailed and they went to sleep. When each awoke, the fun began; playing with Ava Miss Baby, checking out the "Baby Magazine," reading books (thank you Joe) and eating Girl Scout Cookies! I can't decide who had more fun the kids or the grown-ups! Hope to do it again soon!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Angelo, Aimee and Joe!
Daddy's longtime friends Joe and Angelo came by today, along with Angelo's girlfriend Aimee. A delicious lunch of north end pizza was brought by our wonderful guests and daddy fixed up a mean salad and bowl of berries to top it off. Both girls were initially too excited to nap at the thought of meeting Joe and seeing Angelo and Aimee, but exhaustion soon prevailed and they went to sleep. When each awoke, the fun began; playing with Ava Miss Baby, checking out the "Baby Magazine," reading books (thank you Joe) and eating Girl Scout Cookies! I can't decide who had more fun the kids or the grown-ups! Hope to do it again soon!
The reputation of this novel seat preceded it, though Mommy and Daddy never tested it out with the older of the two Farber ladies. However, today, Maya gave it a run to see if it was as good as she'd heard-thank you Griffin family!
And by the looks of the photos she was perplexed and later convinced it wasn't a bad place to sit!
After Maya's experience, big sis Jenna wanted to test it out for herself-not bad she thought! Ava Miss Baby was next!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tomorrow's Maya BIG day/Mommy and Daddy Break Her FREE!
Yes, it is true, Maya will be 5 months old in a few short days. Yes, it is true, she is a fantastic sleeper and happy little baby. Yes, it is true-Maya will officially be leaving the nest and heading to her very own room as of tomorrow.
Mommy took a big step and brought the girls out this week to buy a new dresser for the little one's new bedroom. When asked if two days later was an okay day for delivery, we soon realized that there was no turning back--it was/it is time...
Now all you critics out there, please know that Jenna was in her own room at 10 weeks old, so this is atypical behavior in this household, but the reality of having our precious Maya in her own room and on her own LEVEL of the house was and still is daunting.
BUT-we can't share a bedroom with her forever--she'll want some privacy sometime! :) So we are setting our little fledgeling free-and will miss her little coos in her sleep, glancing up at her in her crib peacefully in dreamland and watching her as she wakes up, looks around and our eyes meet and she smiles. Guess we'll just watch her on the monitor...
Now cross your fingers that Maya keeps her flawless sleep patterns... We know you can do it Maya!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day 2010
Well, one good thing about being up at 5:30 am on a Sunday is you get to start Valentine's Day early!!!!!
By 6:15 am, we had already opened 10 cards and 5 presents! The girls enjoyed nail polish, stickers and an Elmo book! Daddy got a ball with a personal message written on it-especially from mommy-sent from one of his favorite television shows, a new bank and a game. Mommy's present is said to be "On it's way!"
Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a night out last night with a delicious Italian dinner-complete with dessert and all-we never order dessert! :) Thanks to Emmy and Sabba for babysitting!
Valentine's Day is such a great holiday--you get to acknowledge the ones you love most!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
A full night's sleep? What's that?
Something we've had for a few nights in a row now! Thanks girls! Now, you experienced moms and dads know I am guaranteeing a jinx by posting this, but thanks for 3 nights in a row of uninterrupted sleep by Maya-Wednesday night (8:30pm-6 am!), Thursday night (10:00 pm-5:30 am) and Friday night (8:00-3:45 am) And a big sis Jenna has woken each morning anywhere from 6:15-6:55 am!!!! Something we've not seen as a pattern in a LONG time!
Goodbye 5 am wake-ups (Jenna) hello sleeping through the night (Maya)! GO GIRLS GO!!!!!!!
It's amazing what a full night's sleep and waking up with the sun, (not WELL before it) will do! :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
One INCREDIBLE weekend!
We knew that this weekend had potential to be an emotional and memorable one, but NO ONE could have predicted the intensity of feelings that would accompany such a short window of time!
Saturday afternoon was begun with the SHOCKING news that Heidi and Dave's baby girl was on her way--6 weeks plus early! Fast-forward to 2:56 p.m. and baby Lilah Diane Estrada was welcomed into the world. Weighing in at 5 lbs 11 oz. she was born with the traditional Farber hair-DARK AND LOTS OF IT! She is a DOLL! We can't wait for Heidi and Dave to be able to bring her home in a few weeks and for the girls to see her up close!
Saturday afternoon we also welcomed one of our oldest relatives into MA, Great-grandma Ann Ritt, previously of Florida. Great-grandma Ann celebrated her 92nd birthday earlier this year and we were/are all elated to be able to have her meet Maya for the first time today and spend some time with Jenna as well. Great-grandma Ann was thoroughly impressed with Jenna's politeness and her ever-growing language (as are we!) Emmy and Sabba, always a hit, were there as well and the girls had so much fun seeing them!
To tip the scales with excitement, Maya decided that today, at Great-grandma Ann's new home, she was going to... ROLL OVER! Yes, for the first (and second) time she rolled to the left from her back and onto her belly!
It was a fantastic weekend filled with wonderfully happy events and welcoming new and "more experienced" members of the family.
Maya did it!!!!!
And what is it you ask? MAYA ROLLED OVER! TWICE!!!!! Both times from her back to her belly--turning left. Wonderfully enough, there to witness it was, Jenna, Mommy, Emmy and Great-grandma Ann! We knew she was getting close over the past few weeks! Diaper changes have new added challenges now! Such fun!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Jenna and James
Should we be worried? There is something about BOYS that Jenna loves. One might be thinking that it is that they like the same games/toys-but as anyone who knows Jenna knows, she likes "GIRLIE things!" Needless to say, she does love her boy friends! (Note the space in between the words!) :)
Here are a few photos of Jenna and James Langille playing today. Maya enjoyed the visit too-just fell asleep towards the end!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Maya is 4 months old!!!
Can't believe it's 1/3 of the way to 1 year, but Maya is 4 months old!!!! WOW! Time has FLOWN by!
What's Maya up to these days? She was weighing in at about 12 lbs 12 oz at 4 months and 25 inches long. As her pediatrician told me "She is long and lean!" But, not to worry-she is OUR kid! :) Her big sister was bigger in weight at her age, but the same 70th percentile for height! Bound to level off at some point. As a method to help Maya put on a few needed extra pounds, it was suggested that she begin sitting in her highchair and tasting oatmeal! We'll see what she thinks!
As of now, Maya enjoys rolling 3/4 of the way to her left, and LOVES to watch Jenna and smile at everyone she recognizes. Playing with toys in an interactive manner has started as well; Maya likes squeaky toys and listening to mommy, daddy or Jenna sing!
She's SUCH a love!
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