SO, yes, it is true, the day we were leaving Newton Wellesley Hospital after Jenna was born Mommy did "throw" the Easter Bunny out of the hospital room saying "We don't celebrate Easter!" Now here we are just over two years later and Mommy (and Daddy) brought Jenna and Maya down to Lake Quanopowitt for Wakefield's Annual Easter Egg Hunt and a visit with none other than the Easter Bunny! (Hoping it was a different one!?)
The first give away that we were Easter Egg hunting virgins was that all the other kids showed up with some sort of basket, bag, egg carrying case, to place all of their valuable treasures in. We did not... Thank goodness we had a bag full of supplies for the girls with us which we rapidly emptied out and handed to our eager egg hunter.
With hundreds of expert searchers on the outskirts of the roped off section elbow to elbow, the countdown began. Nervously, Mommy and Maya watched as Daddy helped Jenna cross over the tape as the hunt officially began.
Jenna knew just what to do--and she wasn't fooled by those kids set up as plants piling up their baskets with only hay! She knew they were trying to stray her from the set task-she gathered up tens of little chocolate eggs and even found one of the special ones with the letter T on it--traded it in for a pink stuffed bunny rabbit, which Jenna proudly has named... Fire Engine! (You'll find out why.)
When the hunting was complete, some shed tears, some continued to furiously search in the remaining hay piles, and some die hards (that would be Jenna) headed over to the fire engine arriving, sirens ablazing! And who should be on that engine, but the Easter Bunny himself-Jenna must have recalled him from her stay at Newton Wellesley as she went right up to him and stood next to him--the local newspaper photographer snapped a shot--keep your eyes out in next week's paper!
It was a blast for Jenna, she keeps trying to sneak an egg for herself and one for each of her babies! Maya LOVED the walk down to the lake, however, the walk back cuddled up in Daddy's arms was cozy enough to lay her head on his shoulder and fall fast asleep! Truthfully not sure which one of them enjoyed that moment more--maybe even me! :)
So, Mommy has learned a lesson... We may not celebrate Easter with a ham dinner or go to Church, however, searching for chocolate, we sure do that well! :)
Photos to come soon!