Our first trip as a family of four was more than a success, it was a FANTASTIC weekend, one that ended all too soon.
We arrived at our "hotel"/townhouse at The Red Jacket Resort and Spa on Friday mid-afternoon, following a stop at Friendly's for lunch--a HUGE hit with both girls! Jenna was amazed at the new space, running around chiming "Let's go see what is over here!" Maya was THRILLED with the open floor space to crawl, roll and sit. Maya also investigated all of the new areas to "get into!" :)
Following a bit of playing with our toys from home, each little one took a short nap and was rejuvenated and ready to hit Storyland! Curiosity was seriously piqued for Jenna as she asked repeatedly on the way to the park, "What we see at Storyland?" No matter our answer, she would respond "MORE MORE MORE!"
Our first day was a short hour and half or so and much was spent surveying the sights. Jenna tested out the circus--watching acrobats, The Quick Change Magicians and catching a glimpse of the dog portion as well! Jenna and Daddy tested out the whale ride-DO NOT bring that up to Jenna---EVER!!!! It was NOT a good experience! The ride was cut short due to "someone" chanting "Jenna ALL DONE!!!!!!!" Needless to say, we tested out a more serene atmosphere with the Safari Train Ride--a wonderful match! Seeing pretend animals while moving on a leisurely paced train, what could be better? Oh, it could be... Wait till tomorrow!!!!!! We capped off the day with an ideal pizza dinner in. The girls had their bath and headed to bed in their first night sharing a room-EVER!
The night went smoothly, no issues (aside from the typical 5:30 a.m. wake-up for the day!). Day 2 started with a near monsoon of rain. Daddy suggested we walk the short path to the restaurant, while Mommy's concern for Maya's lack of hood won out-THANK GOD! It was POURING!!!!!!!!!! Three of us enjoyed a nice quiet breakfast, Maya enjoyed a nice quiet nap at the table. As the meal ended, the rain stopped and we opted to head to Storyland and see what short time we could get out of the dry part of the day.
The "short time" ended up being the entire day with just a two hour hiatus for naps back at the hotel. The biggest surprises were: Jenna's dislike of the princess, Maya's LOVE of and active participation/displays of interest in the train ride around the park and Jenna's near captivation by Clifford and Curious George, even going as far as following Clifford over to a bench and sitting down next to him, on her own!!! The day was completed with another in hotel dinner, baths and bed.
Mommy and Daddy sat talking later on Saturday night about the day and what everyone seemed to enjoy. When reflecting back on all of the incredible moments and future memories, we found ourselves already planning next summer's trip!
The last morning was begun with another hotel breakfast, followed by some playing, packing and shopping at the outlets in the pouring rain. Another Friendly's lunch to culminate the weekend and off for a drive back home. Nothing more could be said-this was an ideal trip for us-one none of us wanted to end. We are all eager to see what our other two summer weekend adventures have in store. Sometimes in life you have the chance to look at things and think, it can't get much better than this---this weekend was one of those times!