Must be something with my mind cycling back to this night/morning 3 years ago today. For I was in some really serious labor right about this moment on March 21, 2008 and as luck would have it, had Scott take me back to N.W. Hospital at around 2 am, having been there at 11 p.m., only to be told I was 1 cm dilated and needed to go home to "wait and relax." (Yeah right!) I remember taking a bath and ignoring the nurses' orders to have a glass of wine! Thank GOD that drive back to the hospital was on the shorter end that second time-I think Scott would have figured out how to fly the car there if he could have.
When we arrived there, we stepped out of our car and my water broke-right in the parking garage!!!! Talk about timing! We walked, well I dripped and waddled, into the hospital's e.r., and explained that we were back yet again and this time knew we were staying!!!! Despite Jenna being a teeny tiny peanut of a thing, my labor pains were quite intense; finding out I was now a whopping 2 c.m. instead of the 1 was a bit alarming, I couldn't imagine going to 10!!! Around 4 c.m., they felt pity on me, gave me my epidural and the more enjoyable portion of my labor began. I was so excited to know that our first child, a baby girl, was coming into the world. The pushing felt like an eternity, but I will always recall that moment when Jenna was placed on my chest. She was sooooo small, a mere 5 lbs 11 oz., soooo adorable, with a full full head of deep dark hair, soooooooooooo absolutely perfect!
My parents, Scott's sister Heidi and then his mother later on came in met Jenna. My sister and Derek came that night too. It was so amazing.
Now 3 years later she is still so perfect; this year from two to three has been a busy one for our Jenna bear. LOTS of changes taking place; learning to use the potty, sleeping in a bed, starting school, taking classes w/out Mommy or Daddy, an overnight stay in a hospital, the loss of her first tooth, a fascination and love of princesses all things pink, yellow, brown and black, the list goes on and on and on... Jenna reminds us each day to examine the small and "insignificant" things in our day; she loves to play dress up, dance, read, sing and she cares for her babies as if they were real live humans and tends to their every needs. She has a deep and genuine interest in her religion, her friends, her family, and has the most insanely incredible memory.
We know how blessed we are to have her as our daughter, Maya looks up to her big sister and wants to be JUST like her already! Her extended family gets her; knowing she once was a little shy and cautious girl, now so talkative, so much more outgoing and so incredibly fun! We love you Jenna and can't begin to imagine what your future years have planned. Happy happy happy birthday!!!!!