When I was in sixth through ninth grade my parents decided to send me to private school. For assorted reasons, they felt it was best for me. Despite my opposition, I went and each day we went by car and later by school mini-van an hour or so to school and an hour or so back home. I remember vividly a snow day that it took us at least two hours to get there only to arrive and discover that during the time it took to get there the school had decided to close due to weather. :)
I was baffled not only by my parents' decision to drive me such a distance for four years, but why they felt so strongly when I told them I wanted to go to school closer to home. Clearly they knew that my educational experience was best served where I was going. Despite the extra effort it took from them, they wouldn't have done it differently. As a mom now, as with many things, I am understanding why.
Driving to camp this summer, each and every Monday/Wednesday/Friday was one of my most favorite times of the day for me. Jenna, Maya and I would pile into the car and sing to our music, share a coffee/munchkin snack some days and talk over our typically 40 minute drive. We'd talk about: the day ahead, the theme for the week at camp, their friends and more. They'd ask questions, tell me stories and bond.
Each morning saying goodbye to Jenna left the lump in my throat that happened when I dropped her off at school, sad I was leaving my BIG GIRL, worried how she would do and a little envious of Lucie and Lois that they got to keep her all morning, but this summer it was different. Jenna hugged me more tightly, smiled more brightly and walked away SO much more confident and happy.
When people ask, "Where does Jenna go to school/camp?" and I respond we drive to Lexington their facial or verbal responses are often as if I told them I take her to the moon! "Wow that's SO far!" And really, it isn't. "Aren't there other schools/camps in the area, or at least closer that you could send her to?" And really there aren't. Well, not where she and we would gain the same experience for our dear Jenna. We value so deeply the personal attention, care, love, support, education, sincerity, honesty, (the list goes on and on) that you have shown for our family. For us there is only one place that makes sense, Billy Dalwin.
Today, as camp was ending and people were hugging and kissing and waving goodbye, I got that same lump in my throat. I felt for those families who were off to kindergarten or some other school in the fall and was sad. We are immensely grateful for the work you all do and I continue to be amazed with the entire Billy Dalwin staff. EVERY PERSON there take her job as a passion and labor of love. It not only shows to the adults, but to the kids and for us-that's really all we could ask for. You take the time to "get" each kid, to love each kid and to let them know it. Jenna knows it and therefore, loves you in return.
Thank you for a fabulous summer. Jenna's comment said it best, as I shared with Shelley earlier this week, "You know Mommy, I'm pretty sad that camp is ending, but the best part is, I can go back to school and do it all over again!!!!!"
Please enjoy the remainder of the summer and RELAX!!!! We look forward to more fabu times ahead!!
Much appreciation,
Leigh, Scott, Jenna and Maya