Maya turned 1 month old on Tuesday, November 3rd, however, mommy (and daddy) didn't realize the date until she was asleep for the night! (When you are home with two little ones each day blends together I guess! :) ) Daddy left for CT for the night, to mark our first overnight alone as just the girls. Just as mommy and auntie Sam used to do when they were little ladies, Maya woke up at 3 am and Jenna at 4:45 am for the day--guess they wanted to continue the celebration of Maya's first month!
Most people say these days that Maya looks like mommy and Jenna is daddy's female version! Her bright blue eyes are gazing into our faces nowadays for longer times and she is getting very strong at lifting her head up. Maya has been a wonderful baby-doing all she is supposed to and quite well. She has her 1 month check up tomorrow a.m. and gets to finally meet her pediatrician, Dr. Burba. Mommy and daddy are placing bets on Maya's weight. Somewhere in the 8-9 lb or more! Maya is a love!
Happy one month birthday Maya! What a cutie.