Jenna has developed some fantastic new skills as she approaches two years old!!!!!!! She is a huge fan of playing pretend and counting to ten. Just this weekend we learned that Jenna knows how to sing the alphabet! She is a sponge, soaking up all that we offer and wanting more more more! She has a fascination with talking about and listening to us talk about people-by that I mean recounting who works with Scott, who is in our family, who came over to visit, etc. She often references Scott's business associates Steve Golding and Bob Watts!
Jenna loves playing baby still-even insisting our professional family photographs be frequently "added to" with the photographer's husband's grandmother's baby doll included in some of our shots!!!!! She has taken to playing grocery store in our house-pretending to shop, has a card to pay and a bag to store her items in. She prefers to be called "Mam" although sometimes will request "Miss" instead! Jenna is a HOOT!
Cooking and baking as well as art are still big hits with our little lady! Our daily schedule includes art in the morning and a "home ec" section in the afternoon after nap. Jenna thrives on predictability and routine and knowing what is coming next is key with her!
Jenna also enjoys playing "Shoe store!" We have spent many mornings trying on our shoes with Jenna's assistance! She has named her store too-"Ball's Shoes!" She checks to see if our shoes are too big or just right!
Her sense of humor has continued to blossom-laughing at things that are truly funny and even making jokes now. Jenna also says "Excuse me" when she needs to get by or "passes gas!" She has learned to say "Sorry" if she hurts someone and "Thanks" or "No thanks" depending on the situation. Jenna has started to show signs of independence as well--dressing herself and undressing herself are favorites! Having a 20 month old can be challenging, however, Jenna is the best! Even the hard times are fun times....
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