Potato latkes eaten-check
Holidayesque meal served-check
Candles lit-check
Three prayers said-check (the first one said independently by Jenna!)
Gelt eaten-check
Gifts open-check
Happy and sleepy family-check
Short recap of opening of the gifts:
Photos to come...
Daddy opens his gift, sneakers Jenna picked out for him-gray and YELLOW of course, because gray is his favorite color and yellow is her's! Jenna opens her gift, a dress up set---immediately starts testing out the accessories. Maya opens her first gift, an Elmo phone-possibly afraid, definitely disinterested. Jenna opens gift number 2--an acoustic guitar, she is still playing me her music class songs-over 30 minutes later!!!! (A hit!) Maya opens her second gift--an "ahh--ahh" (monkey) lovey. She initially is fearful, and is now in her crib clutching not only her adored kitty lovey, but also her "ahh-ahh" one! (This one is going to be hard to detach!) Mommy's gift arrived at about 1:45 p.m. today--thanks to two young delivery men. A TREADMILL! Now THIS is a reason to get up early tomorrow a.m.
Curious what the rest of the holiday has in store for our little troops! Happy Hanukkah!
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