One October night in 2004, I met this adorable man who I'd seen on JDATE.com and immediately was intrigued. Scott was a MUCH needed surprise after lots of frogs, I had finally found my prince. He won me over that first night at Sam Diego's in Plymouth, MA. (The poor guy had driven an hour to my apartment, only for me to have him drive another 30 minutes to bar.) :) We bonded over people we knew in common, sports, beers, food and more. He had a great sense of humor and was SO easy to talk to-plus, was really easy on the eyes.
After a short time, in December, we talked about him needing to move out of his apartment and me being a teacher that I could really work anywhere...It seemed just to make sense that as our relationship progressed I made the hardest and best decision. I left my job, apartment, friends and family on the south shore and moved to Stoneham to live with Scott in June 2005. I found a new job, which I loved, made new friends-though I missed and still miss my old ones and most importantly was so happily in love.
Scott proposed to me on 09/02/05 at Wright's Tower and we spent the weekend celebrating with both sets of parents. We got married the Memorial Day weekend following on May 28, 2006 at The Marriott Longwharf. That entire month of May, every single weekend, in POURED! And then our wedding day came-it couldn't have been more beautiful, sunny and we couldn't have been happier surrounded by family, friends and each other.
Life is always filled with ups and downs; it's inevitable. However, we've been so lucky, we've had a bazillion more ups than downs. Through the downs, we have had each other to lean on. Our two precious daughters, Jenna and Maya, allow us to the chance to share our love for each other and for them every single day. In our vows, I said to Scott, "I'd be so honored to be your Honey Farber forever." And I am. Now and forever. Happy 5 years Scott! Here's to 500 more! xoxo