"What is that other part that a boy has, you know not the penis, but the other part they hold when they do pee pees?"-J
"I have a hot, not a cold!"-M
"Poker poker toes poke oh roll let them." (Boker boker tov, boker oh latham.)-M
"How do they get the baby out? If you don't push it out does the doctor do that part for you?"-J
"I am going to get up in the middle of the night, carry, our baby into my room and rock him back to sleep. Don't worry-you'll never know, you can sleep all night."-J
"I will change the baby's poopies."-M
"Be gentle, I have baby in MY belly!"-M
"Oh, I can't have hard shell tacos, I have a baby in my belly."-J
While on the potty, "I did a fart!" "Now I get an M & M?!"-M
"Could you please tell Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Belle to stop talking they are keeping me awake!"-J
"What's the real word for a bummy?"-J
Speaking to the OB-"You know we don't have a name for our baby yet. Because you know why? Our Daddy doesn't like any of the names we like, so we can't decide."-J
Speaking to the OB-"I was telling my husband that since our baby has it's legs on that side and it's head on the other it is MUCH harder to push out than other babies."-J