Maya's big girl bed! We got the call on Thursday afternoon on our "babymoon" trip. We shared the news with the girls that Maya's BIG GIRL BED would FINALLY be coming on Monday! She was SO excited!!!!!!
The three men arrived at 330 p.m. on Monday and Jenna, Maya and I all spent the 30 minutes they were here working watching them intently. Maya continuously told them "This be MY big girl bed! It's here and I do my sleeping in it with ALL of my guys!" One of them fed right into it even helping her arrange "her guys" and her blankets in her bed. (Of course after they left, 6 month pregnant Mommy insisted on moving all but one of the pieces of furniture single handedly to a new location in the room! (NOT a good idea mind you!)
Most families get nervous for the first night with a child in a bed. Not here. We knew and Maya knew this was the real deal! She'd been waiting for the bed and new dressers, night table and such for over 2 months and she was ready for it the day after she asked for it! Maya went to bed, with a little extra snuggles at the same time she always did and slept through the night until 630 a.m.-a little later than her wake up most mornings in her crib. She (completely different from Jenna) bolted out of her bed, ran into our room and asked Scott, "Umm, Daddy, you help me go back to sleep, I still tired, you help me go back to sleep in my bed?" It took a little selling on our part to help her understand she could get up and have breakfast now-contrary to her crib routine of you go into her room anytime after 5 am and she would nearly demand breakfast immediately!!
Suffice to say, Maya has adjusted, napped, slept and played in her new big girl bed. She is elated! Mommy and Daddy are now adjusting to the reality that there is a a crib in our room along with a gliding rocking chair both of which await baby boy Farber's spring arrival. Ironically of all of the possible combinations of people who could have been up last night, it was Mommy who awoke at 230 a.m. and didn't go back to sleep until 5 (after completing a load of laundry, breaking my cell phone, and reading lots and lots and lots of meaningless information on the internet!) :) Guess someone is thinking about the changes ahead, oh and the baby was booting soccer balls, playing hockey, driving a dumptruck or whatever all over my insides from 2 a.m. on! As Jenna reminds me, you know he is the size of an eggplant right now!
So, the excitement is still present. Maya LOVES her new bed so much, we have to plead with her to get out of it, but considering the alternative, it is all working out for the best! She's such a big girl! Now it's on to tackling potty training! Wish us luck!
Cute bedroom set. I now Maya loves it already. She was definitely excited by the prospect of having a bed to call her own.