something we never ever have-a free day! :) A Mommy and the girls day, as Scott was at work. Maya and Jenna immediately started flooding me with ideas of things they wanted to do, places they wanted to go, and we finally opted to go raspberry picking. Maya has coined Brooksby Farm in Peabody "Bob Watts' Farm" as we saw him there a few weekends ago.
We arrived at "Bob Watts' Farm" and entered the barn to get our picking baskets. Each of the girls took her own basket and was on her way. Funny to see how each of them picked so differently-Jenna picked then ate, picked then ate, picked then ate. Maya selected to pick, walk to the next bush, taste one, spit it out, pick, walk to the next bush, taste one, spit it out, and so on. After Maya's container was full to the brim, it would inevitably get too heavy and she'd drop it on the ground. Scrounging around on the ground trying to salvage each and every berry she'd worked so hard to get, she'd tell me "OH-NO! Berries all on the ground, go get more now!" And so she would.
We enjoyed our time in the berry field, took a quick jaunt around to visit with the emu, llama, pigs, chickens, sheep and the lone (sorry looking) goat. We hopped into the car all smiles and sweaty. Sometimes the best laid plans go astray and then new best plans are made. :)
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