Since my sister, Samantha, told me she was moving to NY years back, I have wished her to return to MA. She went there for a job and found (well re-found) her love, Derek. Samantha and Derek were a college "connection"-near the end of their senior year. Sam introduced me to him at a party at Colgate and I thought-WOW! He was so devoted to Sam, so sweet with her and so much fun! When she told me she was going to take a job in NY I think I always knew that she would stay there and likely end up with Derek and I am elated that the latter part was correct.
Samantha and Derek have lived in NY for getting close to 10 years now. They talked briefly about coming to live in MA after Sam finished grad school and then opted to stay so Derek could tackle business school. Samantha and Derek are so supportive of each other; one of the most impressive qualities about them as a couple is there willingness to "take one for the team" and do what the other needs to help them succeed. They truly are such a wonderful match.
They have been so sweet with and to our daughters. They were there for both of their births-meeting each of their nieces the day they were born-and shower them with phone calls, hugs, gifts and such attention and devotion.
Derek has had the opportunity to complete part of his internship here in Boston this summer. Ironically being housed at the same glorious hotel he and Sam were married in in November of 2007. Due to his "move" here for a short time, we have been extra lucky to have Samantha come and visit two out of the last three weekends. The first weekend she brought the well adored Puppy Charlie and this weekend the famed and deeply missed Uncle Derek.
Charlie's visit is still talked about at length for his interaction with Big Bird and Maya's requesting him to "jump down." Jenna loved taking a walk around the neighborhood with her baby in the stroller and Auntie Sam escorting Charlie around. Derek's visit, albeit short for the girls as he arrived after a tough day of work and they girls were heading to bed, was still much anticipated. Maya even asked for him again as she went to sleep. Jenna enjoyed a special treat of having her books read to her by Auntie Sam and got to show off all of her "moves" to her.
As the girls often do, when they woke up this morning (MUCH later than usual) asked where Auntie Sam and Uncle Derek were. When I explained they were back at the hotel, the ideas streamed in as to how it could be arranged to see them again today, tomorrow, you get the idea. We all wish they lived closer. We wish Uncle Derek LOADS of luck-though he doesn't need it-and hope that as next summer approaches we can say Auntie Sam and Uncle Derek move to Beantown FOR REAL! :)
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